Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bye, bye Buster!

In 1960, IPC launched a new comic, called Buster. The comic was very successful, as you probably all know. Unfortunatly, in 1999, the comic came to a close. The reason for this is that Egmont (who owned the comics copyright, and still do) were putting their money into other things and couldn't be bothered with it anymore. It's sad really because maybe if they had hung onto it a little longer sales would have gone up again, and Buster would still be on our shelves today (well, it sort of was last year, with the hard-to-find special).

And so, as a final goodbye to Buster, here are some scans of the last ever issue...

Maybe if someone starts a petition with me too bring back Buster (and Whizzer and Chips, of course). Anyone......hmmmm.....

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